Thursday, January 8, 2009

things that I need money for

- the numerous dates that I take boys on
- food
- college
- going to the border of Mexico and the U.S. and documenting things
- Guatemala, duh!
- India for as much as the summer as I can possibly swing
- rent? what's that?
- everyone needs a new pair of shoes every once and a while
- jeans, I go through jeans as if I were the hulk
- cell phone, also known as the green monster
- Dave Ramsey, financial guru, says I've got to save NOW!
- he also says I have to start thinking about retirement
- just stuff ok!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Hah! I read your blog, so neener, neener, neener. And, I might add, I love the shoes you have, so I think you should take them off the list. Ok, that's totally hypocritical because I always have room for one more pair. Kind of like cookies.