Monday, October 20, 2008

what happens in Montana, does not stay in Montana

-finally get to grama and grandpa Ockey's
-sleep, wonderful sleep
-play with cousins, Cedar's particular fancy
-eat Grama Ockey's wonderful vegetarian, gluten free food
-Montana history museum
-Carrousel and Ice cream
-religious discussions up the wazoo
-fun at the city park
-glorious farmer's market
-buy soap
-walk the gulch
-eat food, good food
-chocolate shop
-book store
-buy books and buttons
-toy store
-more city park
-everyone takes a turn on the swings and in the little red car
-grama Ockey's wonderful free-of-everything-everyone's-allergic-to-or-choosing-not-to-eat food
-visit Grandpa Ockey at the church
-pack the bags
-get in the car
-stop for drinks
-stop for drinks
-shop at Patagonia in Dillon, Montana
-Burger King

1 comment:

CatherineWO said...

Oh, Jenni, I hope you really did like the food okay. I was afraid you weren't getting enough to eat. It was so much fun to have you here. ...Grama Ockey